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  • michaelbloom85

Why do you need to warm up your back before shoulder training?


Shoulder training is a more complex exercise. If we do non-standard movements or have different strengths, it will cause damage to the shoulders. The shoulders are so fragile, so it is best to warm up before doing shoulder training, preferably to warm up the back. So why do you think you need to warm up your back before shoulder training? Let's go see it together!

1. Before doing shoulder exercises, what are the benefits of warming up your back

In fact, this kind of warm-up method can be called "core warm-up", that is, when you are training for any part, you must perform core warm-up. The more the core warm-up is, the more stable the torso will be. Then you will exercise during training. It will be more standard and play better.

The core of our upper limbs is also called the shoulder core. The most important part of the upper limbs is our scapula. The more stable the scapula, the more standard and more comfortable the upper limb training will be. The scapula heavy duty exercise bands refers to the two wing-shaped bones in our back. The stability of these two bones determines the stability of the upper limb movement and the effect of upper limb training.

So before shoulder training, we should warm up the back. The advantage is that it can make our shoulder blades more stable, so that the whole shoulder training process becomes more controlled, and the shoulder exercises can be done more standard. For example, when many of us do barbell press, the barbell will always swing around. This situation shows that our shoulder blades are not stable enough, so the overall movement stability is not enough. If you warm up your back before shoulder training, then your barbell press will be easier, with stronger weight-bearing ability, and your movements will be more standard. This is the benefit of warming up your back before shoulder training.

2. How to warm up your back before shoulder training

Pull-ups to the top recruitment

Peak recruitment means staying at the top of the action, while pull-ups peak recruitment means letting you stay at the top of the pull-ups, staying as long as possible, about ten seconds or so. Through this action, we can fully recruit the sinking force of the scapula downward rotation, and the pull-up peak recruitment can help you avoid problems such as shrugs when you practice shoulders.

Barbell Rowing Peak Recruitment

Barbell rowing peak recruitment, in addition to the stable recruitment of the shoulder blades, there is also the recruitment of the lower back core, which is the recruitment of lower limb strength, which will make your body more stable when you practice shoulders. There is no requirement for weight here, it is about a quarter of your maximum strength to avoid excessive consumption of low back strength due to heavy weight.

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